1966 amateur

53rd Amateur Championship

Lancaster CC

Name Club Rd 1  Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total
Jay Sigel Bala CC 74 78 75 71 298
William O'Donnell Brookside CC 74 78 74 73 299
Robert Etzweiler CC of York 76 75 70 78 299
Jim King Cedarbrook CC 74 74 76 77 301
John Birmingham Oakmont CC 76 75 75 75 301
Tommy Smith Greensburg CC 74 75 78 75 302
Bill Hyndman, III Huntingdon Valley CC 72 77 75 79 303
Edward Anewalt, III Berkshire CC 76 76 75 76 303
C.D. McKever Manufacturers G & CC 77 73 75 78 303
Ronald Dermitt Indiana CC 74 79 76 74 303
Dave King St. Davids 80 78 73 73 304
Steve Probst Manufacturers G & CC 75 78 76 77 306
Frank Arasin Shamokin CC 75 78 79 75 307
Allen Sussel Squires 74 77 78 78 307
Larry Feldman Philmont CC 78 76 75 79 308
Bob Huber CC of Hershey 78 79 75 76 308
O. G. Brewer, Jr. Huntingdon Valley CC 74 83 77 74 308
Lawrence Bell Lehigh CC 77 80 76 75 308
W.J. Welk Lebanon CC 80 72 78 78 308
Harry Gray Lancaster CC 79 77 75 79 310
Bill Breneman Moselem Springs GC 80 79 82 71 312
James Rutter Reading CC 77 79 77 79 312
John Kapers, III Merion GC 78 76 82 76 312
William Davidson Carlisle CC 75 79 78 81 313

Last Updated on 01/14/2002
By Mike Schanne
Email: pagolf@usga.org
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