1988 amateur

75th Amateur Championship

Lancaster Country Club

Name Club Rd 1  Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total
Don Erickson III Du Bois CC 70 70 75 68 283
Arnold Cutrell Greensburg CC 73 74 70 68 285
Ted Tryba Wyoming Valley CC 74 67 71 75 287
Warren Choate Williamsport CC 73 70 71 73 287
Robin McCool Saucon Valley 70 69 72 76 287
Marshall Marraccini Youghoigheny CC 71 73 70 74 288
Brian Rothaus Ashbourne CC 77 68 71 72 288
David Brookreson Huntingdon Valley CC 71 73 72 73 289
Carlyle Robinson Fox Hill CC 71 73 72 73 289
P. Chet Walsh Philadelphia CC 77 69 72 72 290
Robert Levy Philmont CC 68 73 74 75 290

Last Updated on 12/05/2001
By Mike Schanne
Email: pagolf@usga.org
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