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Round: 1 - 05/24/2004NameTotalSeniorNameClubOutInPaul Schlachter31Paul SchlachterClub at Nevillewood6837Thomas R. Davis36Thomas R. DavisSaucon Valley CC7236William P. Lawler38William P. LawlerFox Hill CC7335Michael Sanger38Michael SangerMerion GC7436Michael C. Rowland36Michael C. RowlandLehigh CC7539Michael Rose39Michael RoseAshbourne CC7536Peter Smith37Peter SmithKahkwa Club7538Michael G. Anton38Michael G. AntonLookaway GC7537Stephen M. Foster38Stephen M. FosterDiamond Run GC7537Ronald Pieczynski38Ronald PieczynskiIrem Temple CC7537Ed Hennigan37Ed HenniganFox Hill CC7538Don Donatoni38Don DonatoniWhite Manor CC7638Mike McGuire39Mike McGuireHannastown GC7637Daniel B. Burton37Daniel B. BurtonBent Creek CC7639Jay Howson38Jay HowsonSt. Davids GC7638Lee Lykens37Lee LykensClearfield-Curwensville CC7639Jim Haynie37Jim HaynieLu Lu CC7740Robert Marek37Robert MarekCarlisle CC7740David K. Brookreson39David K. BrookresonHuntingdon Valley CC7738Stephen Daley40Stephen DaleyLu Lu CC7838Don Lamb37Don LambMontour Heights CC7841Kenneth Gaskill39Kenneth GaskillPhiladelphia Publinks7839Curt Fromal39Curt FromalSpringhaven Club7839Phil Saylor43Phil SaylorSunnehanna CC7835Bill Coyle39Bill CoyleSaucon Valley CC7940Jerry Janeski43Jerry JaneskiBent Creek CC7936Philip M. Tredway40Philip M. TredwayKahkwa Club7939Ed Strickler39Ed StricklerHuntingdon CC7940Frank T. Shuman40Frank T. ShumanLookaway GC7939Frank Polizzi36Frank PolizziWhitemarsh Valley CC7943William B. Whitman37William B. WhitmanBerkshire CC7942Edward M. Tansey, Sr.40Edward M. Tansey, Sr.Kahkwa Club7939Ned McFarland40Ned McFarlandSt. Clair CC8040Larry L. Novinger38Larry L. NovingerHarrisburg North GC8042Charles McClaskey43Charles McClaskeyWyncote GC8037Jim Walters41Jim WaltersSunnehanna CC8140Theodore A. Beringer41Theodore A. BeringerPhiladelphia CC8140Edward K. Houser40Edward K. HouserHershey GC8141David A. Kearney43David A. KearneyLehigh CC8239Bill Kunsman43Bill KunsmanClub at Nevilewood8239Scoring ReportPennsylvania Senior Amateur ChampionshipSaucon Valley Country Club - Grace Course1Print by: Tournament Pairing Program on 5/24/2004 10:39 PM
Round: 1 - 05/24/2004NameTotalSeniorNameClubOutInDon Neill41Don NeillTalamore at Oak Terrace CC8241Gregory Smee41Gregory SmeeColonial CC8241Michael Egan40Michael EganLookaway GC8242George Elias41George EliasSand Springs CC8241Charles J. Whipple42Charles J. WhippleHuntingdon Valley CC8240Edward E. Bondi41Edward E. BondiHuntingdon Valley CC8241Doug Dick40Doug DickChester Valley CC8242William E. Moot41William E. MootWindber CC8241Michael McAdams41Michael McAdamsLongue Vue Club8241Samuel J. Kursh41Samuel J. KurshStonewall8241Phil Schaltenbrand39Phil SchaltenbrandNemacolin CC8243Edward Gregrczyk41Edward GregrczykGlenmaura National GC8241Donald C. Galbraith45Donald C. GalbraithStonewall8338Ralph Bincarowsky41Ralph BincarowskyKahkwa Club8342Todd R. Kennedy42Todd R. KennedyCC of York8341Terrance J. Sawyer43Terrance J. SawyerYardley CC8340Jamie McWilliams40Jamie McWilliamsYardley CC8343Scott Yard43Scott YardWhitford CC8340David R. Gale41David R. GaleStonewall8342Herbert Gordon42Herbert GordonDoylestown CC8341Carlyle Robinson42Carlyle RobinsonFox Hill CC8341Christopher S. Frazier41Christopher S. FrazierSunnybrook GC8342Rich Kovacs43Rich KovacsGreen Pond GC8441Andy Tompos43Andy TomposLancaster Host Resort8441O. Gordon Brewer41O. Gordon BrewerHuntingdon Valley CC8443Bill Stasiulatis40Bill StasiulatisWest Shore CC8444Thomas Fleig43Thomas FleigColonial CC8542A. Kent Weymouth45A. Kent WeymouthLu Lu CC8540Larry E. Casebeer44Larry E. CasebeerHershey GC8541Neil McDermott42Neil McDermottLlanerch CC8543Steve Huston43Steve HustonHuntingdon CC8643Bernie E. Zbrzeznj42Bernie E. ZbrzeznjWhitemarsh Valley CC8644Jim Hoffer44Jim HofferWest Shore CC8642Brian Bezark44Brian BezarkLu Lu CC8642Carl B. Everett44Carl B. EverettMerion GC8642Stephen R. Stelecki45Stephen R. SteleckiSaucon Valley CC8742Ross K. Van Wagenen44Ross K. Van WagenenWindber CC8743Richard T. Ford42Richard T. FordClub at Nevillewood8745John O'Sullivan43John O'SullivanChester Valley CC8744Thomas Kaczor46Thomas KaczorYardley CC8842Scoring ReportPennsylvania Senior Amateur ChampionshipSaucon Valley Country Club - Grace Course2Print by: Tournament Pairing Program on 5/24/2004 10:39 PM
Round: 1 - 05/24/2004NameTotalSeniorNameClubOutInPete Emigh42Pete EmighLehigh CC8846Ed M. Roberts49Ed M. RobertsOld York Road CC8839Gary H. McQuone44Gary H. McQuoneAllegheny CC8844Joseph F. Virdone42Joseph F. VirdonePhiladelphia CC8846Vernon Kelly, Jr.48Vernon Kelly, Jr.Philadelphia Cricket Club8840Norm Kulujian46Norm KulujianLookaway GC8943Douglas R. Chambers47Douglas R. ChambersLongue Vue Club8942Charles S. Rogalla42Charles S. RogallaCC of Scranton8947Tom Verney47Tom VerneyCarlisle CC9043Richard C. Daniels45Richard C. DanielsClub at Nevillewood9045Bob Brooker46Bob BrookerBlue Bell CC9044Mike Szymanski45Mike SzymanskiBlue Ridge CC9045David A. Jones41David A. JonesWindber CC9049Andrew Beechko44Andrew BeechkoCC of Scranton9046Milton H. Drennen45Milton H. DrennenBent Creek CC9045Murray Felzer46Murray FelzerWhite Manor CC9145Richard C. Franklin48Richard C. FranklinStonewall9143Michael J. Brigandi48Michael J. BrigandiState College Elks CC9143Gordon Bennet47Gordon BennetNorthampton CC9144Bill Kinley48Bill KinleyWilliamsport CC9244Don Warner48Don WarnerState College Elks CC9244James P. Sylves48James P. SylvesState College Elks CC9244John P. Pagana44John P. PaganaSusquehanna Valley CC9349Louis P. DeGennaro44Louis P. DeGennaroCC of Scranton9349Clyde Fuller47Clyde FullerState College Elks CC9447Geoffery R. Chambers44Geoffery R. ChambersNorth Fork G & TC9652Scoring ReportPennsylvania Senior Amateur ChampionshipSaucon Valley Country Club - Grace Course3Print by: Tournament Pairing Program on 5/24/2004 10:39 PM
Round: 1 - 05/24/2004NameTotalSuper-SeniorNameClubOutInWalter A. Kuharchik38Walter A. KuharchikFox Hill CC7537Rich Jacob38Rich JacobPittsburgh Field Club7941Robert J. Farley39Robert J. FarleyWilliamsport CC7940Richard A. Smith38Richard A. SmithPhiladelphia CC7941Leon Buchter43Leon BuchterGolden Oaks CC8239Merv Isaacman39Merv IsaacmanBlue Ridge CC8243Fran Tusak40Fran TusakSilver Creek CC8242Tom Conboy41Tom ConboySandy Run CC8241James R. Sherratt45James R. SherrattOld York Road CC8338Pete Walk40Pete WalkEdgewood CC8343James J Ginsberg44James J GinsbergPhilmont CC8339William H. Bayles, Jr.43William H. Bayles, Jr.Phoenixville CC8441Rocco J. Limongell43Rocco J. LimongellFox Hill CC8542Kent Replogle41Kent ReplogleHershey GC8544Tony Joseph41Tony JosephWindber CC8645George S. Thorbahn41George S. ThorbahnRolling Green GC8746Merrill A. Dunlop44Merrill A. DunlopClearfield-Curwensville CC8844Frank J. Taylor43Frank J. TaylorKahkwa Club8946Rod Eaken43Rod EakenBerkshire CC8946W. Robert Van Zandt46W. Robert Van ZandtSpringhaven Club8943Fred Tyler, Jr.46Fred Tyler, Jr.Reading CC9145Dennis A. McLaughlin49Dennis A. McLaughlinPinecrest CC9142Peyton D. McDonald45Peyton D. McDonaldWilliamsport CC9146George Becker, Jr.48George Becker, Jr.Doylestown CC9244Jim Ake49Jim AkeHuntingdon CC9344Scoring ReportPennsylvania Senior Amateur ChampionshipSaucon Valley Country Club - Grace Course4Print by: Tournament Pairing Program on 5/24/2004 10:39 PM